
Under the leadership of His Excellency Ambassador Udayanga Weeratunga, Sri Lankan mission in Russia has initiated a series of promotional campaigns to market Sri Lanka as the preferred tourism destination among the Russian travelers.
Under these campaigns, which are fully backed by the Sri Lanka Tourism, one of the activities conducted during the year 2012 was the ‘Tourist Guide Book’ published in the Russian language which highlights the attractions of Sri Lanka.
Moving a step ahead, the Sri Lanka’s mission in Russia has now translated this book into English to be distributed among Sri Lanka’s tourism stakeholders including the Island’s missions in overseas countries.
Through the mission the book would also be distributed to travel and tour operators operating in key tourism markets of Sri Lanka.
The book was launched this morning in Colombo, which saw the copy of the book being handed over to the Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism Mr. Bhaswara Gunaratne by ambassador his Excellency Udayanga Weerathunga.
Managing Director of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Mr. Rumy Jauffer, Dr. D.S Jayaweera, the Director General of Sri Lanka Tourism and several other industry stakeholders were also present during the occasion.
Meanwhile the first copies of this Guide Book were handed over to the Minister of Economic Development Hon.Basil Rajapaksa today morning in Ministry by His Excellency Udayanga Weerathunga.
The guide book, which contains 296 pages, includes the country profile, places to visit in Sri Lanka, hotels & other accommodation facilities available in the Island and also details about the country’s leisure activities and emergency numbers.
