Sri Lanka Tourism’s promotional song titled “Paradise Calling” was ceremoniously launched at a function held at “Ape Gama” in Battaramulla in the presence of Hon. M.L.A.M Hizbullah – Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Dr. Willie Gamage secretary to the Ministry of Botanical Gardens and Public Recreation . Mr. Bhashwara Gunarathna Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism , Mr. Rumy Jauffer Managing Director of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotions Bureau, Dr.D.S Jayaweera – Director General of Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and Mr. Nilmin Nanayakkara Board Member of SLTPB. The song’s Musical concept and Direction was done by Sri Lanka’s famous young artist duo Bathiya & Santush. The lyrics were written by veteran song writer Mr. Kelum Srimal. The launching ceremony was held with the participation of more than 24 young vocalists and many distinguished guests representing travel and tourism industry of Sri Lanka. This is the brain Child of Hon. Basil Rajapaksa Minister of Economic Development to produce a promotional song for Sri Lanka Tourism industry.

The new promotional song contains lyrics in all 03 official languages to appeal to a wider audience both locally and internationally. It covers major attractions of Sri Lanka, the heritage, lifestyle, hospitality, culture, natural beauty and the warmth of rivaled by Sri Lankan people. The new song will be used for all Sri Lanka Tourism promotional activities in order to uphold the numerous tourism attractions and value of Sri Lanka as a traveler’s paradise. SLTPB is also planning to produce this song in many languages in the future.

“Paradise Calling - Sthuthi Sri Lanka” Song Credits :

Musical Concept & Direction by Bathiya & Santhush

