Safari Camping

According to wild life experts both local and foreign is 'best for big game safaris outside Africa. Thought difficult to imagine, this tiny island being the next to the gigantic African continent, When the likelihood and cost of seeing and photographing four or five charismatic animals ( elephant, leopard, sloth bear, sperm whales and blue whales) in a two week safari, Sri Lanka is the best Destination.  

Further more traveling in to the jungle with camps deep within the discovered treasure in Sri Lanka on the world wildlife map. Unlike many of the parks in India  and Africa, Sri Lanka's are not commercial; the character of yesteryear remains intact thanks to the deferred  into the tourism arena. Sri Lanka has an amazing variety of fauna and flora, with some of the world's highest densities of leopard and elephants.

A visit to the Sri Lankan jungles is to enter a whole new world where nature has largely stayed still. Moreover, compared with Africa and India in a Sri Lanka wild life tour of two weeks you have the best potential of seeing and photographing five charismatic mammals at a lower cost. 


A  new development in safaris is luxury- tented camps talking you overnight in to the heart of the National Parks. The uniqueness of such camps is the complete 'away from it all feeling'; with amazing water front sites, cool breezes & animal sightings. Although small, Sri Lanka has may wild life locations suitable for camping and safari. Sri Lannka's game reserves are full of surprise for you! 

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